Corrective Exercise - So what is it?

Corrective exercise is the bridge between osteopath, chiropractors and physiotherapists. Let’s start by talking about what Corrective Exercise (CE) is not; it is not physiotherapy, it’s not bone setting and does not replace medical practitioners like osteopaths, chiropractors, surgeons, doctors etc.

CE is a bridge between these medical practitioners and mainstream exercise or even personal trainers who tend to get people people fit. CE addresses the underlying causes of chronic pain which are normal muscle imbalances, posture or poor basic biomechanics.

Chronic pain is usually caused by muscle imbalances between tight and weak muscles. Each time the body moves in a way that causes pain, we tend to believe stretching will help. In most cases, it does, but the body is a little more complicated than that. The best way to describe it is like a bicycle wheel that has some spokes that are tight and and others that are loose. When the wheel spins slowly, it can be fine, however when the wheel spins faster, the tension on all parts of the wheel can be uneven causing speed wobbles or worse; the wheel buckles and breaks. When you tighten the spokes that are weak and loose, then the wheel spins evenly which allows the wheel to be stronger. As the bike speeds up, it is much more resilient to the forces of higher loads.

Just like the body during exercise, the bike can handle more load and stress as speed and power increases. The body can subsequently withstand higher loads, more speed, and better functionality to withstand the rigours of normal everyday life, during sport and high impact movements like lifting, running, walking stairs or even playing and keeping up with kids.

Other factors that can support the healing process are nutrition & lifestyle pillars such as sleep, nutrition and hydration.

CE usually starts with a postural assessment and muscle testing and often involves communication with the medical practitioner. Followed by a progressive programme which can take as long as 12 months depending on the length of the injury and that there are no other physical issues.

The Clam

The Clam strengthens the hips and knees. By keeping the hips against a wall, it isolates the gluteus medius.

Client Example

Jay came to us with sore knees, after experiencing pain from playing just one round of golf, when his knee would collapse and give excruciating pain After six months of corrective exercise, he is now not only able to play golf but was also able to rescue his son from a potential freak accident, where he sprinted up an escalator. In the past he would not have been able to do this without serious repercussions on his knees.

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